Horror moment rugby player, 28, leaps to his death tombstoning off 60ft cliff in front of traumatised crowd

3 weeks ago 44

THIS is the shocking moment a rugby player plunged to his death after tombstoning off a 60-foot cliff.

Horrified tourists watched as the 28-year-old Argentinian sportsman, Santiago Bourdieu, jumped from an infamously dangerous spot in Hawaii.

Photo of Santiago Bourdieu posing shirtless outdoors.Santiago Bourdieu, 28, died after jumping of cliff in HawaiiCEN
Photo of Santiago Bourdieu, 28, wearing a black hoodie.CEN
The Argentinian was a rugby player[/caption]
A man jumping from a cliff into the water.Onlookers caught the tourist running off the dangerous cliffCEN
Person jumping from a cliff into the ocean in Hawaii.Bourdieu seen just before he hit the waterCEN

The video, captured on Saturday afternoon, caught Bourdieu start running towards the “Spitting Cave” cliff edge on the American island of Oahu, near Honolulu.

The Rugby player, who was on holiday, appeared to fall at a bad angle on his fatal jump.

This horrifying video caught onlookers gasp when the Argentinian splashed into the water.

Panic ensued once the sportsman did not resurface from his 60-foot leap.

The video then cut to several people desperately searching for the Argentinian in the water.

One of these people reportedly included one of his friends but they could not locate him.

Lifeguards from Honolulu Department of Ocean Safety rushed to the scene to locate the 28-year-old.

It reportedly took them 15 minutes to find him in the choppy water, with him being found at 6:22 pm.

The horrifying video also showed two lifeguards quickly joining on a jetski with a stretcher.

They hoisted his body onto the stretcher as the footage ends.

Bourdieu was transported to Maunalua Bay, where rescuers performed CPR on him before rushing to hospital – where he later died.

Bourdieu also worked as a PE teacher and a personal trainer in Buenos Aires.

The 28-year-old also played rugby at the San Isidro Club (SIC) until last year, when he became a physical trainer.

The SIC released a heartbreaking statement after his shock death saying: “We share great affection [with] all the family and friends of Santi in this moment.

“Santi was a player of the 96 generation and also collaborated as a PF in our youth divisions. He will be missed.”

The Buenos Aires Rugby Union added: “The Board of Directors of URBA expresses its condolences for the death of the former player and current PF of the SIC senior team, Santiago Bourdieu, and accompanies his family, his friends and the club in this moment of sadness.”

Spitting Cave is one of Hawaii’s top tourist spots but is known locally as a dangerous diving spot.

Its eerie name comes from the strong and unpredictable waves, paired with wild currents, that quickly change.

Honolulu authorities have long warned tourists about this diving spot.

Rescue attempt after a fatal cliff jump.The Honolulu Department of Ocean Safety rushed to the sceneCEN
Two men on a rocky cliff before a fatal jump.Onlookers gasped when the 28-year-old jumped off the cliffCEN
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