BRYSON STOTT knows what to expect from English sports fans after a first-hand experience with a pub bouncer.
The Philadelphia Phillies second baseman will head to the UK this summer when his team take on the New York Mets.

Stott, 26, last visited London just before the Covid pandemic and linked up with his friend Rob Holding.
Holding, 28, was playing for Arsenal at the time and sorted tickets for the baseball star.
And Stott recalled trying to visit a pub before the game against Crystal Palace, who Holding plays for now.
Speaking at MLB Spring Training this week, he said: “We went to a pub in London in Crystal Palace territory and I had my Arsenal scarf on.
“The security looked at me kinda funky but then lifted up his jacket and he was wearing an Arsenal jersey – it really made me laugh.
“The craziest part was the split stadium and you don’t ever mix and match fans because it be mayhem – that was the coolest thing to me.”
Stott added: “Me and Rob had a mutual friend in college and he would come to Vegas and hang out.
“I just hung out with him at the weekends and he was rehabbing his ACL at the time, so he had enough free time to get away for a couple of weekends here and there.
“That’s how we met and we just stayed in touch and he was the first person we called when I was in London with my now-wife.”
The Phillies and Mets square off in a two-game series at London Stadium on June 8 and 9.
Stott would love to bring his family with him for the trip across the Atlantic, but has become used to road trips away on his own.
He said: “We’re a bit nervous with the time difference and the baby’s sleep schedule.
“She’ll be seven months at that point and we don’t want to upset her routine and sleep.
“My wife really wants to come because she loved London last time, but we’re just thinking about what’s best for the baby.
“You definitely miss some milestones.
“Last year my wife was pregnant and I would be gone for ten days and come back and her bump grew two inches.
“But we do a good job in allowing family, so she would come on quite a number of road trips.
“She’s planning on doing it this year too, but with the baby it’s a little harder, so thank goodness for Facetime.”