Want Speckless Specs? How to Clean Glasses

3 months ago 45

Let’s explore the most effective and easy-to-follow methods for achieving spotless, crystal-clear specs.

A quick swipe with the hem of a shirt is probably the way most of us clean our eyeglasses on the fly. But does that 5-second process actually get them clean? TBH, not really.

For truly speckless specs, here are several better options.

Cleaning glasses is a pretty simple affair. Done right, it’ll take your favorite pair from cloudy to clear.

Use a microfiber cloth

When you received your glasses from the manufacturer, it’s likely they came with a soft little square of fabric. It’s not a blanket for a Barbie. It’s a microfiber cleaning cloth!

There’s a reason many eyeglasses include this cloth in their packaging. It’s actually a helpful means of removing dirt and grime without scratching your lenses. In fact, it’s an excellent final step in the cleaning process — a “towel” of sorts on which to dry glasses after cleaning them.

When your glasses become blurry or grimy, remove them (obvs), wash your hands, and rinse them with water. Spray them with your favorite glasses cleaning solution. Psst. It’s not recommended to use window cleaner or household cleaners on glasses — they contain ingredients that can be harmful to your eyes or damage your lenses.

After letting a cleaning solution sit on the glasses for a few moments, rinse them once more and rub them dry with the microfiber cloth. Don’t forget to be gentle! A few soft swipes should be all it takes to get them dry and grime-free. Check for any smudges or remaining fingerprints. From there, you’re good to go.

Try a dollop of dish soap

You don’t technically have to invest in a glasses-cleaning spray or scrub to get your specs clean. Regular dish soap will do the job, too. Here’s how to remove the blur with zero fancy supplies:

  1. Wash and dry your hands.
  2. Rinse or spray your glasses with room-temperature water.
  3. Squeeze a small drop of gentle dish soap onto each side of each lens.
  4. Using a soft cloth, gently scrub both sides of both lenses as well as the frame of your glasses.
  5. Rinse the lenses and frame thoroughly.
  6. Dry the lenses and frame with a microfiber or other lint-free cloth.

Spritz some rubbing alcohol

If you’ve got rubbing alcohol on hand, you’ve got another easy means of getting your glasses sparkly clean. Just note that a little goes a long way. Overdoing it with a high-proof alcohol solution could damage your lenses.

Try these simple steps for cleaning glasses with rubbing alcohol:

  1. Wash and dry your hands.
  2. Rinse or spray your glasses with room-temperature water.
  3. Spray both sides of your lenses and the frames with a thin layer of rubbing alcohol.
  4. Using a soft cloth, gently scrub both sides of both lenses and the frame of your glasses.
  5. Rinse the lenses and frame thoroughly.
  6. Dry the lenses and frame with a microfiber or other lint-free cloth.

If you’d rather not tackle the job of cleaning your glasses all the time, you can always take steps to keep them from getting dirty in the first place. These tips will prevent the buildup of grime:

  • Keep your glasses stored in their original case or in another covered space when you’re not using your glasses.
  • Leave your glasses off when performing messy or dusty tasks like yard work or cooking.
  • Use a pair of sports glasses while exercising to prevent sweat from caking onto your regular pair.
  • Practice good skin care to prevent the buildup of oils on your glasses.
  • Make sure your glasses are properly fitted. Wearing them too close to your eyes can allow makeup to rub off.
  • Replace your glasses as often as your optometrist advises — they don’t last forever!

The point of wearing glasses is, of course, to improve your vision. Leaving your specs grimy and grody kinda defeats that purpose. Stick to a routine of cleaning them regularly to see the world clearly.

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